Street, show, company vehicles & Tribute cars – Advanced Airbrush is well known through out the years from Auto Salon days to current for producing high end artwork on all cars from Street to Elite.
Also well knows through celebrities for airbrushing Tribute vehicles – Pink and also Katy Perry have seen and admired the work. We have not only airbrushed vehicles as tributes to celebrities but also shoes, with many including Sir Richard Branson having had Wayne airbrush shoes in their honour, with Sir Richard also been given a pair of shoes as well as Wayne owning a signed pair by Sir Richard.
Recently Wayne interviewed Chip Foose who mentioned his love for Airbrushing that allowed individuals the opportunity to own a unique vehicle, this could not be achieved any other way then airbrush. As everything else is mass produced.
Custom cars will always be seen a way to make something unique and personal. It is like body tattooing, but on your pride and joy.