Trompe l'oeil n. a type of painting intended to deceive the eye; illusionism.
Trick of the eye, it will provide the illusion of continuation of the room or garden to give you the effect of larger space.
Wall Murals can be inside or outside the home. Wall art is done for many reasons and we are happy to fulfil any idea you have.
Some of the work we have done includes -
• Children bedroom walls in chosen themes
• Front entry walls depicting religious themes, culture, scenery outlooks
• Man cave artwork
• Pool or backyard artwork - covering ugly walls/brickwork and turning them into eye-catching artwork offering depth
• Company or business artwork - making your business stand out over all the signage, and one that everyone remembers
• Airbrushing owners pets on canvases or a wall within the house
• Cafes and restaurant theme walls
• Wine cellar artwork
• Paint effects, repair & blend paint work. We can blend & camouflage any effect or paint work.
Wall murals can be on any surface, in any location inside or outside the home.
Please view the many examples of our work in the gallery below.
Advanced Airbrush now also offers STREET ART for any building inside or out. We can help with concept to production.